
I am Birgitta Jadenfelt. I hope you like my patterns!
I started designing quilt patterns in 2020, and it seems that I have already started to develop a style of my own. My patterns are often non repetitive, pictorial and stripped down. There is a lot of negative space that can be used to quilt and decorate, using all kinds of adornments like applications, embroidery, lace, beads, anything.
It was a coincidence that I sent my first pattern to a magazine. It was well received and I was very proud seeing how good it loked in the magazine. I got a taste for making patterns to share. Since then my patterns have been in several magazines. My quilts have been shown in Simply Modern magazine, Curated Quilts, Make Modern Magazine, Quiltemagasinet, Rikstäcket, Kludemagasinet and Norsk Quilteblad.
The colour choice for the quilts is usually made when drawing the pattern, but it is inspiring to figure out alternative colour options. I do not have the time needed to make quilts from my patterns with alternative colours. I would therefore appreciate to see how you have chosen to make quilts made from my patterns. I would be grateful to receive photos of them.
I run my business B Jadenfelt design AB in my spare time. 4 days a week I work as a psychologist with children and their parents. Therefore you might have to wait a few days for me to respond to your e-mail.
Would you like to get in touch?
Email me at info@birgittajadenfelt.com